Friday, October 14, 2011

Baby steps...

I'm finding that one of the most freeing things in the universe is making a goal and taking the necessary steps to accomplish that goal. As I was talking to my dear friend Manny, I begin to share with him my desire to travel and see the world. While talking, I decided to take action and begin making steps to make this dream a reality. I opened a new travel account and thus have began saving money to live my dream! In planning this giant financial endeavor, I've decided to take on the "by any means necessary" attitude of the debatable great Malcolm X. I will be in Paris next summer by any means necessary. I will travel to Thailand next November/December by any means necessary. And while in Thailand, I will ride an elephant by any means necessary. Consequently, this means cutting out unnecessary things in my life. I'm saying goodbye to my "hundreds of dollars" make-up obsession. Adios to my I-can't-live-without-new-clothes-every-week mentality. And pakah to my lazy need to eat out for lunch AND dinner. (For you uncultured people, that last one was Russian).

Now of course this all means tons of prayer on my part and provision on the Lord's part. I'm aware that I can't go anywhere without his leading but what I've learned in my 28 years of life is that all you can do is lay your plans out before Him and pray that he blesses them. And I believe he does. Unless my plans were to become a prostitute in order to raise funds for these trips. Which, by the way, I am not doing. No worries. So I am embarking on taking baby steps to make my desires reality. Pray with me and keep me in your thoughts :)

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