Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Art of Letting Go...

Today while I was at work, I was chatting with my friend and favorite white girl on gchat. I love talking to her because it reminds me of how much things have changed since high school. Situations have changed, thoughts have changed, most importantly, we've changed. I'm kinda blown away by how much insight God has given us in our young age. I swear, just when I think I've got things figured out, God's like, nope, this is truth. And just like that, the things I build my world on crumble, only to be replaced by new, clearer thoughts and ideas.

Lately, the Lord has really been pricking my heart about letting go. If you know me, you are aware how much of an intense and insane control freak I am. Not only do I have to control my life, but I have to control others as well. I'm well aware of where this insatiable need comes from but that doesn't make it any easier to part ways with. I have to be honest, I'm not a big fan of the saying, "Let go, and let God." I feel like people use it only when they are in desperate situations. And what exactly does it mean to "let go and let God." Does that mean I let go of any dreams I have, any hopes, any aspirations. Does that mean that God doesn't want me to hope for anything? Maybe I'm being a bit extreme, after all, it is just a saying. But I have a rather extreme nature so sayings like this aren't good for me. I just end up over analyzing them.

However, I do want to continue to think through the art of letting go. I don't think it means to let go of hope, maybe just letting go of expectations? Maybe letting go means an increase of hope. Maybe when we let go of our expectations, we open the door for the unexpected. Maybe when we let go of our expectations, we are able to better see how unlimited God is and in doing so, we better see how unlimited our possibilities are. And when we have unlimited possibilities, we shed the chains of despair and hopelessness and are encouraged by the fact that nothing is too difficult. Nothing is impossible. In retrospect, even letting go seems so much easier.

I am letting go...

1 comment:

  1. “You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.” – Joseph Campbell
