Thursday, July 21, 2011

Moving On...

Who knew moving to a new state would require so much work?? It was probably silly for me to assume that it would just be something I could take a week to prepare for. And it's super expensive. Why does luggage cost so much? Especially since I have to pay to put it on the freaking plane!! I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, selling my furniture, packing up my current apartment, paying off debt. And on top of all of this I have been planning for our youth group summer camp happening 2 weeks before my departure. Sigh...I'm pooped.

Despite all of the craziness of the last month, nothing quite compares to the surpassing peace that I have in my heart concerning this decision. I am constantly praising Jesus for assurance and continued confirmation that I am doing the right thing. A lot of times we complain because we get tired of waiting for God to give us an answer. Should I move here? Should I date this person? Should I buy this new car? Should I go to this church? Should I buy this thing? These are all common questions that I know that I've asked God and felt like I had to wait endlessly for an answer.

This decision to move to New York has been one that I have been praying about for the past 2 years. Since the first time I laid eyes on that amazing city, my head and heart were hooked. So I begin to pray through this love affair. And one day in November of 2010, the decision just became clear. GO! So I applied for grad school, not sure if I would get in. I got my acceptance letter in April. I also started preparing financially. I opened a forced savings account with a money guy, began doing my own savings. In March, the school district decided it needed to get rid of some teachers so they offered a 10% incentive for people to resign. More money in my pocket? Don't mind if I do. Then they didn't get enough people to sign up for the incentive so they raised it to 15%. Even MORE money in my pocket? HECK YEAH! So needless to say, God not only said go, he gave me all the tools I needed to make this happen.

All of this is great and I'm thankful for it. But the greatest tool He has given me is the assurance that no matter where I am geographically, I am always in His hands. He is my counselor, provider and sustain-er. He is all I need in any situation. So I can deal with the craziness of this month because I know that the Lord has my back and He works everything out for my good.

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